About Me



Hey Im Mickey Miles 

I love to travel, always have, even as a child. I loved to go places, dreamed of seeing the world. Now with 3 kids (two of them who think they are grown out on their own, and one still in High School) along with a wife and career that requires  more than 40 hours a week of my attention, traveling was something that took a backseat to life.

As I became more interested in travel photography, I realized I have stories, adventures, and lessons learned that go along with every photo I take. So as I poured through the travel bloggers of the World, I noticed there is large concentration who somehow left the rat race behind to travel the world full time. Sounds Amazing Right? A life of Freedom, Adventure, Wanderlust!

Well I would like to say that’s my story; that this travel blog is all about how I figured out the secret to life, How my wife and I walked out of our careers; sent my kids a check to pay off their college tuitions; found a travel tutor for my daughter; and we are happily Globe Trotting the World, sipping on Chai in Thailand writing this travel blog. 

But alas, I live in the real world or the world before the Millennials invaded. This travel blog is for those of us who work, live, and love to travel. This blog is about how to experience life, on a working man’s budget and time frame. I share my photos, travel experiences, tips and recommendations to help and inspire other people to get out there and discover the world.

I would also like to connect with other travel bloggers and people who love travelling.
